November 8, 2023

Blocking Golf Shots

Do you find yourself frustrated by consistently blocked golf shots? Fear not, for this article is here to guide you towards freedom from this common golfing woe.

Discover the most frequent causes of blocked shots and learn the significance of a proper grip and stance.

Dive into the intricacies of swing mechanics and gain valuable insights on correcting slice and hook.

With a plethora of practicing drills designed to enhance your accuracy, you’ll soon be hitting those shots straight and true.

Common Causes of Blocked Shots

You often block your golf shots due to common causes that can be easily corrected. Understanding these causes and making the necessary adjustments can significantly improve your game and provide you with the freedom to hit accurate shots.

One common cause of blocked shots is an incorrect grip. If your grip is too weak or too strong, it affects the clubface’s position at impact, leading to blocked shots.

Another cause is poor alignment. When your body and clubface aren’t properly aligned with your target, it becomes difficult to hit the ball straight.

Additionally, swinging off-plane can result in blocked shots. If your swing path is too far to the inside or outside, it can cause the ball to veer off course.

Lastly, a lack of rotation in your swing can lead to blocked shots. Failing to rotate your body through the shot prevents you from properly releasing the club, resulting in blocked shots.

Importance of Proper Grip and Stance

Golfers assessing stance and posture

To improve your golf game and prevent blocked shots, it’s crucial to understand the importance of maintaining a proper grip and stance. These two fundamental aspects of your golf swing play a significant role in ensuring accuracy, power, and control over the ball.

Here are three key reasons why mastering your grip and stance is essential:

  1. Consistency: A proper grip and stance provide a stable foundation for your swing, allowing you to repeat the same motion consistently. When your grip is correct, it ensures that the clubface is square to the target, promoting straighter shots. Likewise, a balanced and solid stance helps maintain your body’s alignment, aiding in consistent ball contact.
  2. Power Transfer: Your grip and stance enable efficient power transfer from your body to the clubhead. With a strong grip, you can generate more clubhead speed, resulting in longer shots. Additionally, a proper stance helps you engage your lower body and transfer energy through the swing, maximizing power and distance.
  3. Shot Control: A correct grip and stance allow you to have better control over your shots. By gripping the club properly, you can manipulate the clubface angle to shape your shots, whether it’s a draw or a fade. Your stance also influences your body’s rotation and weight distribution, helping you control the direction and trajectory of the ball.

Mastering your grip and stance is vital to improving your golf game and avoiding blocked shots. Practice these elements diligently, and you’ll experience greater consistency, increased power, and enhanced shot control.

Understanding Swing Mechanics

Golf Swing

To properly execute your golf swing and prevent blocked shots, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the mechanics involved. The golf swing is a complex movement that requires precise coordination of various body parts and club positions. Understanding these mechanics will help you achieve a more consistent and powerful swing.

The first key aspect of swing mechanics is the backswing. This is where you initiate the swing by turning your shoulders and hips, while keeping your arms extended and maintaining a straight left arm (for right-handed golfers). It’s crucial to maintain proper posture and alignment during the backswing to optimize power and accuracy.

The next phase is the downswing, where you transition from the backswing to the forward swing. This movement involves a transfer of weight from the back foot to the front foot, while simultaneously rotating the hips and shoulders towards the target. The club should be brought down on the correct plane, allowing for a smooth and efficient strike of the ball.

Finally, the follow-through completes the swing. This is where you continue the rotational movement, allowing the club to release naturally and follow the intended target line. A proper follow-through ensures that your swing stays on the correct path and maximizes distance and control.

Tips for Correcting Slice and Hook

To correct a slice and hook, focus on improving your grip and clubface alignment.

Here are three key tips to help you correct these frustrating shots:

  1. Adjust your grip: Start by checking your grip pressure. Gripping the club too tightly can restrict the natural movement of your wrists and lead to an open clubface, causing a slice. Conversely, gripping too lightly can result in a closed clubface and a hook. Find a grip pressure that allows for a relaxed but secure hold on the club.
  2. Align your clubface: Pay attention to the position of your clubface at impact. For a slice, make sure the clubface is square to your target line at impact. To correct a hook, aim to slightly open the clubface to counteract the closed face position that causes the hook.
  3. Practice your swing path: A proper swing path is crucial for correcting slice and hook shots. For a slice, work on an inside-to-out swing path, which promotes a more square clubface at impact. To fix a hook, focus on an outside-to-in swing path to prevent the clubface from closing too much.

Practicing Drills to Improve Accuracy

Improve your accuracy on the golf course by incorporating these effective drills into your practice sessions. Accuracy is crucial in golf, as it determines the distance and direction of your shots. By honing your accuracy skills, you can gain better control over your shots and ultimately lower your scores.

To help you on your journey to accuracy, I have compiled a list of drills that will sharpen your skills and enhance your performance on the course. These drills focus on various aspects of your game, including alignment, tempo, and distance control. By incorporating these drills into your practice routine, you will develop a more consistent and accurate swing, leading to improved results on the course.

Below is a table outlining four drills that will help you improve your accuracy:

Alignment DrillEnsure proper alignment to targetSet up two alignment sticks parallel to your target line and position yourself accordingly
Tempo DrillDevelop consistent tempo in your swingUse a metronome or count out a rhythm to maintain a consistent tempo throughout your swing
Distance Control DrillImprove your ability to control the distance of your shotsSet up targets at various distances and focus on hitting the ball to specific targets
Impact DrillEnhance your ball-striking ability by focusing on the impact positionUse impact tape or foot spray to analyze your impact position and make adjustments as needed

Incorporating these drills into your practice routine will help you develop the necessary skills to improve your accuracy on the golf course. Remember, practice makes perfect, so dedicate time to these drills and watch as your accuracy improves and your scores drop. Enjoy the freedom that comes with hitting accurate shots and dominating the golf course.


In conclusion, understanding the common causes of blocked shots in golf and implementing the correct grip, stance, and swing mechanics can greatly improve accuracy.

One fascinating statistic to note is that approximately 80% of amateur golfers struggle with a slice or hook, leading to blocked shots.

By practicing drills specifically designed to address these issues, golfers can significantly enhance their game and prevent frustrating mishits on the course.

About the author 

Linda Parker

My name is Linda Parker, I’ve been around golf since I was born, and I’ve been golfing since I was four years old!

I’m here to share my love of the game with you, so please do let me know if you have any questions!

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